Food Reviews,  Hawaii

Tiffany’s Bar and Grill

1424 Lower Main St. Wailuku, HI 96793
Hours: 10:30 am – 11:30 pm

Tiffany’s was off the beaten path and we missed it the first time we drove by. It was a bit questionable, but we were tired and hungry, so we decided to go for it. Once we parked and walked in, it was fairly busy. Apparently the place had just gotten a POS, or a point of sale, installed that day and things were a bit crazy. We sat down and tried to interpret what kind of place this was, as we thought it was a Chinese restaurant when we picked it. It was, kinda.

The menu was pretty large and took a bit of time for us to determine what we were in the mood for. When our waitress came back I asked what the most popular items were on the menu. She said the steak bites and the honey walnut shrimp were the two most popular menu items. Both items Autumn and I were already looking at.

We ended up doing a combination of food and sharing amongst the table. We ordered the following: gyoza, lumpia, wonton soup, honey walnut shrimp, steak bites, and the crispy seafood noodle. We ended up waiting for a while and all of our food came out at once, which was disappointing, but ended up being fine.

The food was pretty delicious. Nothing was too greasy, the vegetables were perfectly cooked. The sauces for the entrees were flavorful and not too much for each dish. The steak bites were tender and nothing too complex. The honey and walnut shrimp had a thick breading, almost too thick, but it was perfectly cooked. The wonton soup was mild in flavor but the vegetables were tender but still had some crispy to them. The lumpia were flavorful and crisp with almost no residual oil left on them. The crispy seafood noodles was something we added the last minute as the waitress said it was also very popular. It had a lot of texture and plenty of seafood. All of the seafood was cooked right, nothing over done.

Not one thing was bad. It was way larger servings that we were expecting and we did have quite a bit leftover. Regardless, I was impressed, especially with the outward appearance of this place, I didn’t know what to expect. Those usually are some of the best places though. I’m glad we went and it would be somewhere I would go back. As far as what type of restaurant this place is, I still can’t definitively answer that. I can say it was a great find with some pretty good food.

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