Food Reviews,  Hawaii

Maui Bread

2395 S Kihei Rd St 117, Kihei, HI 96753
Hours: Monday- Sunday 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

I love bakeries. LOVE them. This bakery was in the same plaza as where we ate breakfast, Cafe at La Plage. We ordered breakfast sandwiches at the cafe and I went over to the bakery with Kellyne and we picked up a few items we just had to try. Everything in this bakery was made without preservatives, lots of gluten free options, and lots of unique flavors you’ll only find on a tropical island.

They had a LOT of choices. I wanted to try them all. Sadly, we decided on a few items for now and for later: coconut bread, chocolate croissant, a blondie, and the pineapple coconut sweet bread. I really really wanted to come back to this place. They had very delicious sauces and jarred items that you were able to sample and what we tried was so good.

I saw one of the employees bringing in trays of fresh baked goods and the employee stated they had a kitchen down the way tucked in the corner of the plaza. He also mentioned there was a restroom down that way as well, how nice of him to volunteer that information, especially since public restrooms are rare in Hawaii and need keys or codes. I happened to need to use the restroom and got to check out the bakery!

The coconut bread was delicious, we enjoyed it the next day and it was great. Not sweet, not dry, just great bread. The pineapple coconut sweet bread was different, but we didn’t eat the whole thing as it was somewhat dry. The chocolate croissant was a surprise as it was filled with what tasted like Nutella. It was a lot. The pastry itself was flaky and delicious, but it totally threw me off with a large blob of a Nutella like filling. Kellyne enjoyed the blondie on a different day and said it was different, I forgot to try it.

Go here. Try to samples, try the unique breads, try the spreads they have out for sample. It was super neat to see a bakery with great products and such friendly employees. I just wish I had the time to try more from here.

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