
Green Chile Cheddar Sourdough

It’s that time of year that fresh roasted hatch green chile is here and we’ve stocked up! Time to put it to use. Sourdough is a tricky thing but I am obsessed with it. I started my starter over 1.5 years ago. If you don’t have a sourdough starter, this could be modified with an artisan bread base recipe.

  • 50g starter
  • 365g warm water, not hot
  • 480g bread flour
  • 20g whole wheat flour
  • 9g salt
  • 2-3 oz green chile- roasted, peeled, and chopped (entirely based on preference)
  • 2-3 oz shredded sharp cheddar cheese (entirely based on preference)

In a large bowl combine the all ingredients except the green chile and cheese. Mix to combine. I use a danish dough whisk and fold by hand. Once it’s barely come together, add the cheese and chile. Combine. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes. Come back to it once it’s rested and pull each corner into the center to create a ball like form. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest overnight.

The next morning the dough should have risen and have bubbles of gas throughout. Pull the corners over it’s self again and shape into a ball. Then you can either put the dough in the fridge to use later in the day or if can be set out in a banneton basket to rise for 1-2 hours.

If you put it in the fridge, pull it out to come to room temperature, then shape into a ball and let rise in a banneton basket. While the dough is rising, preheat the oven and a Dutch oven to 450 degrees for about 30 minutes. Once the dough has risen, turn the dough onto parchment paper, score, and place in the preheated Dutch oven. Before covering with the lid and putting in the oven, add a couple tablespoons of water. This creates steam and creates blisters on the exterior part of the dough. Add the lid and place in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes then remove the lid. On this bread I added green chile and more cheddar cheese to the top to melt and not burn. Place back in the oven for 20 minutes. Pull out and rest. The resting part is very important. If cut when it’s too hot, the bread will become gummy.

I’ll post a step by step with the sourdough process and more information on making sourdough in the future.

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