About Us

My name is Danielle and my partner’s name is Autumn. We met in Carlsbad, NM and that is where our adventures began. In 2018 I took a new job and that relocated us to Albuquerque, NM. Our families are spread out around the country and that keeps us busy. We either meet our families in destination spots or we travel “home” for family events. This provides us many opportunities and we love each new trip.

I have a huge passion for traveling and discovering food and there’s no true origin story for where it all began. I started traveling with my family in my late teens and we were able to explore new areas of the world. Over the years I have sought out the “new” and unknown to myself to familiarize myself more. It is amazing to me the different cultures and experiences that come through food and activities and I want to share them with everyone.

My friends and family know that I also have a huge passion for cooking and baking. Many friends and coworkers have been my taste testers and critics. Autumn has that primary job now and she does it wonderfully. I will often find a new dish that I must learn more about and spend countless hours and try to make it authentically and perfect the recipes. Thankfully, Autumn puts up with this, even when it doesn’t turn out or end up being a hit.

The vision for this site started several years ago since my family knows I get a lot of questions and inquiries from people regarding where should they travel with their family, what activities have we tried and loved, where to eat, etc. I would always be documenting our meals, our activities, the beauty of the location we happened to be in at the time and would primarily upload them to my personal facebook. My family has encouraged me to develop this site for many years and we would always brainstorm when we were on our trips. It was finally time to dive in and give this a try.